I wanted to give forewarning before announcing my story here because of how triggering it is. I dont know if i can share photos either so i wont to start.
On sept 19th i realized my son had stopped moving, i was 41.5wks along, 2 days away from a natural induction. We went in for a test and they couldnt find his heartbeat. My beautiful baby boy, Sequoyah, was born sleeping September 20th at 352am and was 7lbs 11oz 20.5 inch long. He was so beyond perfect and we still have no answers. I had a perfect ultrasound on September 17th. I am devastated and still struggling everyday. I miss him so much. Life isnt the same anymore. Im not the same anymore.
Things are so different now in life. Im currently trying to get it all back in order as it all fell apart after his death.