Back in class tonight, and I spent a large portion of my time looking out the window into the condo building next door watching a man and his preggers wife cook, eat and then clean up dinner. I have watched this man before, while the teacher rambles on in one of his repetitive mindsets, but today is the first day of the girlfriend. I have to find a new fantasy tonight.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 06, 2009
Showed up at a house party with half a 26'er under my belt, and two b… -
Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
The queers show was so great. My date was even greater. I guess datin… -
Sunday Mar 29, 2009
When the photo's from the birthdays this weekend come to surface. I w… -
Friday Mar 27, 2009
I am not really looking forward to work today, seeing as I got my fro… -
Thursday Mar 19, 2009
For reals, Clone High is CLASSIC. -
Monday Mar 16, 2009
Back in class tonight, and I spent a large portion of my time looking… -
Saturday Mar 14, 2009
I went to a pirate party tonight. I dressed as a shark. HOMEMADE&… -
Thursday Mar 12, 2009
SO the positives of having strep throat 1. I get to start and fi… -
Wednesday Mar 11, 2009
Haha. I must thank whoever treated me to this three month membership.… -
Friday Dec 01, 2006
then is just fucked.