Jim. Fucking. Morrison. #youknowwhoitis ---who are some of your major inspirations?--- Oct 4, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email
So. There is a strength greater than addiction. And that's the strength that sees you through You d Oct 3, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
@abigail_writes asked me what my favorite line is from what I've written. And I think the first lin Oct 2, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
I'm just saying. My weekend is prob better than yours. #coheedandcambria #newyorkcity #nyc #concert Sep 27, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email freyjaa: <3 Sep 27, 2014
So @franticfrailfox made me do a #stopdropandselfie even though I have a brutal migraine and had to Sep 26, 2014 0 Facebook Tweet Email