Its been awhile since ive posted anything here. Ive been so busy with work and shit and driving back to Poughkeepsie that i dont have time for myself. I hate rochester. I really dont wanna live here anymore. But yet again ive become so acustom to the way it is that i dunno.... Sonia and i barley talk anymore. Shes the only reason im here. Moving to a place for your girlfriend, then breaking up and just kinda staying in the same place for 2 years really just sucks. I mean, I met alot of cool people who i care about dearly. Kevin being one of them. Hes the best big brother type person a guy could ask for. But hes moving to Nashville so there goes the one person i actually care to see on a daily basis up here. Not saying that Stefano, Sonia, Dave, Scott, Racheal and the others arent important. just Kevin kinda took me under his wing and helped me with alot of shit and we have become really good friends. Ive moved around 3 times since ive lived here. Once with Sonia, Then with Stefano, Then by myself back to where Sonia and i used to live. Its just getting to the point where i dunno what i want anymore.
I miss alot of my friends back home. Bob, Tara, Skippy, Kevbo, Dan, my Sister, Danny Big Head, etc. If i move back to Poughkeepsie its probably only gonna be if i'll be living with Bob. I dont wanna move back into my parents house only because my mom turned my room into an art room for herself. Which i wanted her to do anyway but i just dont wanna take that away from her.
I miss Ruben and Sheena. We barely talk anymore and those guys are like family to me. All of us are just to busy and i wish they lived closer to me.
I really like Racheal alot but considering shes dating Jay and Jay and I might be in a band together soon that just wont work. I dont steal other peoples girlfriends like so many people out there do. But i will admit i like her. From the moment i talked to her i realized she was a really chill person and ya dont meet people like that often
If i move its gonna suck. I love LOVE HATE TATTOO. Its seriously the best shop ive ever been tattooed at. I will miss, Brian, Nick, Bonnie and the whole crew. I will just have to come up to get work done alot so i can see them. Cause i still refuse to really get tattooed by anyone else but brian. Except Jamie. Cause i want him to learn so i went back to Poughkeepsie this past weekend to have him do a piece on me
my whole life is just a mess. i dont see it getting better. If i had my way id move back to Poughkeepsie now and just send rent up here but i dont see that working out anytime soon.
I miss alot of my friends back home. Bob, Tara, Skippy, Kevbo, Dan, my Sister, Danny Big Head, etc. If i move back to Poughkeepsie its probably only gonna be if i'll be living with Bob. I dont wanna move back into my parents house only because my mom turned my room into an art room for herself. Which i wanted her to do anyway but i just dont wanna take that away from her.
I miss Ruben and Sheena. We barely talk anymore and those guys are like family to me. All of us are just to busy and i wish they lived closer to me.
I really like Racheal alot but considering shes dating Jay and Jay and I might be in a band together soon that just wont work. I dont steal other peoples girlfriends like so many people out there do. But i will admit i like her. From the moment i talked to her i realized she was a really chill person and ya dont meet people like that often
If i move its gonna suck. I love LOVE HATE TATTOO. Its seriously the best shop ive ever been tattooed at. I will miss, Brian, Nick, Bonnie and the whole crew. I will just have to come up to get work done alot so i can see them. Cause i still refuse to really get tattooed by anyone else but brian. Except Jamie. Cause i want him to learn so i went back to Poughkeepsie this past weekend to have him do a piece on me
my whole life is just a mess. i dont see it getting better. If i had my way id move back to Poughkeepsie now and just send rent up here but i dont see that working out anytime soon.
I'm the new UpstateSGNY group owner and i'm popping into people's journals from the upstate area to invite them to join the group!
i'm hoping to get enough new members interested in events to have get togethers and large events (possibly a darien lake day, or something to that effect). so stop by and see what's up... i promise there isn't even any sort of weird initiation (well, unless you want there to be... lol).
oh, and sorry about the "form letter"... this would be a super lengthy process if i tried doing it any other way.