ever like someone ya know ya wont ever have? I like Shannon alot. That isnt an issue. And i techically have Shannon. But i still like Michelle alot even though i know i wont ever have her. We have both said we think eachother is attractive but now considering shes sworn off men that kinda leaves that null and void. Also considering she is my ex gf of almost 4 years best friend that kinda makes it hard too. I dunno. for the past year ive just liked Michelle but nothing ever came of it for MANY reasons. And nothing will come of it. Just sucks i guess. Nothing is wrong with Shannon and if i dated Shannon and all of a sudden Michelle was game for whatever id be like nope. Cause i dont cheat and i dont break up with people for other people unless the relationship is horrible and nothing is working.
::sigh:: oh well
Wish my sister was still up with me. I had a great time with her here. Having family around ya all the time is great. She'll be back soon but not soon enough.
::sigh:: oh well
Wish my sister was still up with me. I had a great time with her here. Having family around ya all the time is great. She'll be back soon but not soon enough.