Hello Everyone ,
It feels like I've been sucked into a time warp since the last time I've been active on SG or created a new set.I am now five months pregnant with what we thought was a baby boy is actually a little girl.My boyfriend and I are naming her Nicollette and couldn't be more excited.I'm scheming up some ideas for a set so...
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It feels like I've been sucked into a time warp since the last time I've been active on SG or created a new set.I am now five months pregnant with what we thought was a baby boy is actually a little girl.My boyfriend and I are naming her Nicollette and couldn't be more excited.I'm scheming up some ideas for a set so...
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my update
Hello everyone I've been so busy lately.I began falling in love with someone wuite lovely and I've been a bit of a recluse.I'm having another one of my sets premire hopefully sometime soon entitled "good morning" in my bed just waking up.Anyhow I hope that set makes it pink this time around.I'm going to be going on a roadtrip to san francisco in...
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Hello everyone I've been so busy lately.I began falling in love with someone wuite lovely and I've been a bit of a recluse.I'm having another one of my sets premire hopefully sometime soon entitled "good morning" in my bed just waking up.Anyhow I hope that set makes it pink this time around.I'm going to be going on a roadtrip to san francisco in...
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Call me when you get this message!
Call me when you get this message!
I stumbled upon your sets while rummaging through the 'member reviews' and just wanted to compliment you. Of course, I'm a fan of the x-rated posing, but it's your eyes and facial expressions that put them over the top - they convey a real sense of fun and eros. I'd put you next to Mary on my favorites if I could.
Hello everyone,
Sunday at 8:29 pm my new set School and Porn posts.Be sure to take a peek. I hope some of you enjoy it I had a lot of fun making it with Dave.I think one of my favorite activities in school was making art projects with glue that I could peel off my fingers.Oh any playing tether ball and pogs.Thanks for the support

Sunday at 8:29 pm my new set School and Porn posts.Be sure to take a peek. I hope some of you enjoy it I had a lot of fun making it with Dave.I think one of my favorite activities in school was making art projects with glue that I could peel off my fingers.Oh any playing tether ball and pogs.Thanks for the support

you're so beautiful
I just sent you a PM

Last night I went to see an X show in Santa Fe ,New Mexico at the Santa Fe Brewing Company.Exene & John Doe along the rest of the members were fucking amazing.Adult Books,We're Desperate,Riding With Mary....Such an Alive crowd/mosh pit accompanied with spilt beer,cigg smoke and welcoming sweaty bodies while listening to one of the greatest punk bands of all times..How nostalgically rejuvenating... couldn't have...
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thanks for the support of my hopeful set!!
Today is my birthday and I am 22 yrs old.I was suprised by someone with a gift entailing of a trip to la,then from la I fly to reno,then from reno vegas!This excursion will definitly scratch my itch for travel and hopefully I can meet some amazing people along the way.I leave this thursday for hollywood-hooray!

Thanks ,it was amazing I think my favorite parts were riding a rollar coaster in vegas ,people watching and eating out at vegan restraunts in hollywood,and discovering there is such a burger as the awful burger(i did'nt eat) in reno.however traveling in general is so enjoyable if it was feasable long term I would be a gypsy.

Hey thanks for commenting on my set! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I wish some excitement would come my way I've been feeling quite bored & lonely lately.I've been having dreams where I''m traveling to California(where I used to live)so I declare a vacation imperative and long overdue !

Have fun out here in CA.
I hope your vacation goes well.
I hope your vacation goes well.

happy birthday
Hello everyone,
Thanks for the kind words and new friend requestsI look forward to becoming better acquainted with members..Everyone here indubiently knows how to welcome new members.At the moment I'm recovering from food poisioning from a raw vegan burger which was last nite's dinner.Hopefully tonight or tommorow I feel better and will update my Blog and photo sets.
Until then -
*kiss* *kiss*
Thanks for the kind words and new friend requestsI look forward to becoming better acquainted with members..Everyone here indubiently knows how to welcome new members.At the moment I'm recovering from food poisioning from a raw vegan burger which was last nite's dinner.Hopefully tonight or tommorow I feel better and will update my Blog and photo sets.
Until then -
*kiss* *kiss*

Yuckers on the food poisoning. Hope you feel better soon and welcome to the site!