But I was inspired by this weeks choice (thanks @missy and @rambo !) For this week, the question was: what is on your summer reading list?
I feel like mine is going to go much longer than one summer. In fact, I've told people it's taken them 5 years to get through this series!! No, it's not Dresden files. It's the Wheel of Time!
I was recommended it by a professor of mine who described it as "the birth of fantasy and sci-fi!" Whether this is true or not, I can see where many stories got influence from this book! For example, traveling by Waystones that you see in many fantasy novels? Happened in the Wheel of Time! The political scheming and mischevious magic? Also in this series!
It is a lot to swallow, that's for sure. But so far, I have loved every minute of it! In fact, it may inspire a later set... stay tuned!