Inspirational words for the new year.
"Holding anger against a person is like taking poison and hoping they get're jusy slowly killing yourself..."
Its inspiring words like these that I love to read New Years Day.
I get tired of the "resolution" posts on facebook that say "I'm gonna loose xxlbs" or "start eating healthy".
Brought in the New Year right with good friends and the man I love. We've had a rough beginning, but that's all out of the way now. Time to start this year right. We'll see what happens.
Making a list of all the things I want to do as this year goes on. First one so far:
Could be tonight. Could be December 31st 2012.
But it's happening before 2013
2012. Come at me bro.

"Holding anger against a person is like taking poison and hoping they get're jusy slowly killing yourself..."
Its inspiring words like these that I love to read New Years Day.
I get tired of the "resolution" posts on facebook that say "I'm gonna loose xxlbs" or "start eating healthy".
Brought in the New Year right with good friends and the man I love. We've had a rough beginning, but that's all out of the way now. Time to start this year right. We'll see what happens.
Making a list of all the things I want to do as this year goes on. First one so far:
Could be tonight. Could be December 31st 2012.
But it's happening before 2013

2012. Come at me bro.

Tacos? Well, that's a good start! 

I should really listen to those words right now.