Sooo, I'm back! =D
Thanks again for reactivating my account!
A lot has happened since I left.
Finally got a job for one.
It sucks =/.
At first I was just grateful to have a job ya know?
$8 an hour is pretty good too.
Except when you've been cut down to only 10 friggin hours a week =/.
I wouldn't complain if it weren't for the fact that my boss is a complete fucking cunt.
I know that's pretty harsh, but I didn't even give her that title.
A friend of mine that has never even worked there told me this lmao.
But she is.
A little old bitty that owns this shitty diner in a little hick ass town.
And the shit she puts us through every night is just ridiculous.
Everyone who has ever worked for her said it was the worst job they ever had and that she's just impossible to work for.
They weren't kidding!
Anyways, I'll be here all night if I keep talking about all the shitty things I go through at work haha.
Gonna stop complaining now because Today is a good day.
I checked my email for the first time in forever since I haven't had net, and saw an email that said someone reactivated my account for me.
Made my freakin day!!!
So yeah, just saying hai to everyone!
I've missed you all!!!!
Thanks again for reactivating my account!
A lot has happened since I left.
Finally got a job for one.
It sucks =/.
At first I was just grateful to have a job ya know?
$8 an hour is pretty good too.
Except when you've been cut down to only 10 friggin hours a week =/.
I wouldn't complain if it weren't for the fact that my boss is a complete fucking cunt.
I know that's pretty harsh, but I didn't even give her that title.
A friend of mine that has never even worked there told me this lmao.
But she is.
A little old bitty that owns this shitty diner in a little hick ass town.
And the shit she puts us through every night is just ridiculous.
Everyone who has ever worked for her said it was the worst job they ever had and that she's just impossible to work for.
They weren't kidding!
Anyways, I'll be here all night if I keep talking about all the shitty things I go through at work haha.
Gonna stop complaining now because Today is a good day.
I checked my email for the first time in forever since I haven't had net, and saw an email that said someone reactivated my account for me.
Made my freakin day!!!
So yeah, just saying hai to everyone!
I've missed you all!!!!
Its good to have you back!
Thanks everyone! I'm happy to be back =D