-i burnt my hand at work with 200 degree water (i work at starbucks)
-i forgot to lock the bathroom door and our dog got out (she stays in the bedroom and bathroom) and she tracked shit all over the apt...but i have the best wife ever and it was 99% clean when i got home
-i was suppose to have tomorrow off but figured i'd help a friend out and cover his shift; so i work 6am-noon tomorrow = 6th day in a row
and now i'll be in bed by 12am and up at 530am

Covering a shift means more money. No, it's really *not* worth it, but it's about all you can tell yourself while you're resisting the urge to throw a macchiato in some pretentious snot's face and scream, "I'm not even supposed to be here today!"
I'll have a half decaf skim soy mocha with an extra shot, dry, with 3 ice cubes. LOL. Pretentious cunts. I work in the restaurant industry, and feel your pain!