most people don't know but i'm training to run the boston marathon in 2012 and i want to finish in 3hrs 10mins. So I need to run my qualifying marathon in the fall of 2011. the fun fact is i have never run more than half a mile at once unless the cops are on the way. lol. i have always been active: hockey, snowboarding but never a runner. So i have set a series of goals with my first goal being to run a 5k race in june. I want to finish in the top half. so far my fastest 5k is 22 minutes and some change. oh yeah 5k = 3.1miles.
Send me some inspiration....below is the link to my nike+ training site and you should be able to leave me messages....all the encouragement and inspiration will be greatly appreciated
my nike+ page
Send me some inspiration....below is the link to my nike+ training site and you should be able to leave me messages....all the encouragement and inspiration will be greatly appreciated
my nike+ page
wow good luck!!!