went to resurrection lst nite and had such a great time. I really am growing to like the charlotte area now that I am fianlly exploring it and giving it a chance but I am beginning to get the Los Angeles bug again.
I think I will actually finish out this lease unlike all the others and then look at moving back to hollyweird next summer.
Got a couple ouditions for some musicians this week see what happens with that see if they might be on the same page as me.
Also got my first guitar student starting this week!! $$$$ for playing guitar it has been way too long since that happened.
I think I will actually finish out this lease unlike all the others and then look at moving back to hollyweird next summer.
Got a couple ouditions for some musicians this week see what happens with that see if they might be on the same page as me.
Also got my first guitar student starting this week!! $$$$ for playing guitar it has been way too long since that happened.