Every true devilwoman should have a pair of these. Devil lenses. Do they kick serious ass or what? In 2 weeks or less they will be mine, oh yes they will be mine........
I'm currently trying to get severely hammered on peach schnapps and cream soda. What a fucking girlie drink if there ever was one, but needs must. I have no other booze in mi casa. It's not bad really, just kinda like vanilla and peach, too much perfume for my liking but I'll perservere cos I'm feeling the need to get drunk.
I'm all euphoric about my new lenses and my mood is alternating between grumpy-old-bitch and horny-as-fuck. All night long I'm horny, all night long I'm horny Yessirreeee.......
I'm probably just grumpy because I am horny-as-fuck and my lover is far away. Yes that's it. I cannot live without sex for another 9 days, NINE WHOLE FUCKING BASTARDIN DAYS!!!!!!! Excuse me while I go purchase a lorry-load of batteries to see me through......
I'm currently trying to get severely hammered on peach schnapps and cream soda. What a fucking girlie drink if there ever was one, but needs must. I have no other booze in mi casa. It's not bad really, just kinda like vanilla and peach, too much perfume for my liking but I'll perservere cos I'm feeling the need to get drunk.
I'm all euphoric about my new lenses and my mood is alternating between grumpy-old-bitch and horny-as-fuck. All night long I'm horny, all night long I'm horny Yessirreeee.......
I'm probably just grumpy because I am horny-as-fuck and my lover is far away. Yes that's it. I cannot live without sex for another 9 days, NINE WHOLE FUCKING BASTARDIN DAYS!!!!!!! Excuse me while I go purchase a lorry-load of batteries to see me through......
My sandwich was a bit of an anti-climax because the coleslaw wasn't that nice but I reagret nothing, I would have dropped where I stood otherwise, I really hate it so I think I should stop. I can't eat half the things on, the pulses and beans and stuff. There are dinners on that consist of just beans and flavoured water!! its like eating your own sick!!
But I've come so far. I'm sorry to go on like this, I know I said I wouldn't but its consumed my life... seriously, its all I think about, its all I have time for...
I know, I couldn't stop looking at Brandi77's link either... its gross but has car crash appeal. You just can't turn away no matter how many times you get sick on yourself...