I'm going to leave SG and become a recluse for the next 13 weeks because:
Big Brother is back! How lame! I'm gonna sit up all night and watch these sad bastards sleep....actually that would make me a sadder bastard I suppose.....
Where do they pick these fucking losers that enter the BB house...scum scum scum scum scum. I seriously think that instead of evicting a housemate per week they should take the evictee into the garden and execute them....lets see how many wasters apply for the damn show then!
That would make much better viewing!
I'm not a big Big Bro fan. I can't stand that bitch Davina McCall (is she pregnant again? Sorry but I don't like her any better just for being up-the-duff). It's all they show on bloody Channel 4 for 3 goddamn months (makes a change from re-runs of Friends I suppose but at least its got Joey) and they all tiptoe about being all politically correct and having the correct male-female ratio and white-black ratio...fucking scum loser waster wannabes......give me an Uzi 9mm and I will help to sort the over-population problem by eliminating a dozen roaches......
Ha ha, I'm actually in a good mood tonight! Just had to have a wee rant about BB7, it's on in the background and its topical, its all I'm gonna hear in work tomorrow.....
I may disappear for a few days though, I have another busy weekend cuming up, I shall be in the lab conducting more experimental research
Oh to have it on tap......
Have a great weekend guys!
Big Brother is back! How lame! I'm gonna sit up all night and watch these sad bastards sleep....actually that would make me a sadder bastard I suppose.....

I'm not a big Big Bro fan. I can't stand that bitch Davina McCall (is she pregnant again? Sorry but I don't like her any better just for being up-the-duff). It's all they show on bloody Channel 4 for 3 goddamn months (makes a change from re-runs of Friends I suppose but at least its got Joey) and they all tiptoe about being all politically correct and having the correct male-female ratio and white-black ratio...fucking scum loser waster wannabes......give me an Uzi 9mm and I will help to sort the over-population problem by eliminating a dozen roaches......
Ha ha, I'm actually in a good mood tonight! Just had to have a wee rant about BB7, it's on in the background and its topical, its all I'm gonna hear in work tomorrow.....
I may disappear for a few days though, I have another busy weekend cuming up, I shall be in the lab conducting more experimental research

Have a great weekend guys!


on the colin farrell thing I actually think its positive that you fell asleepI mean if you had stayed awake you could have gotten an STD from him