No more lists today although I could get so much more mileage out of my favourite foods, colours, sexual positions......don't wanna go for overkill though.....but I probably will do the sexual positions sometime soon, see if I can cum up with 10, I'll let you know after the weekend when I might be a naughty girl again
It's such motorcycle emptiness at the minute. This weekend hosts the Northwest 200, Ireland's permier motorcycling event and no-one, absolutely NO-ONE is excited about it apart from me. Jesus it means bikers and leathers and long hair and BIG FUCK-OFF MOTORBIKES!!!!! What's not to get excited about?
I have to confess I've actually never been.......
That's disgraceful. I mean I lived in the area where its held for 3 years and yet never really had the inclination to go. I suppose that's because over the years it has changed so much, the emphasis has been taken away from the racing itself, die-hard motorbike fans have been replaced by groups of yobos getting boozed up instead and I don't fancy spending all day getting leered at by drunken ravers, especially in the rain!
I work with an old-time motorbike fanatic, he has really been amusing over the last few days which have been warm and sunny
The good weather and thought of the Northwest 200 looming have inspired him to come to work on his motorbike, in full leather regalia! This would be pretty cool but he's at least 60 and has spent ALL FUCKING DAY in his leather trousers, he's even gone to meetings in them! How the hell is he coping with wearing leather in this heat for 8 hours???? I confess I used to own a pair of leather-look trousers (OK they were actually PVC but thats just splitting hairs) that I wore out socially sometimes, fuck after about an hour sweat was running down me and I felt completely mank! He's been walking about all day saying "I'll Be Back" like he thinks he's The Terminator......shit I nearly hope he brings the car instead tomorrow.....

It's such motorcycle emptiness at the minute. This weekend hosts the Northwest 200, Ireland's permier motorcycling event and no-one, absolutely NO-ONE is excited about it apart from me. Jesus it means bikers and leathers and long hair and BIG FUCK-OFF MOTORBIKES!!!!! What's not to get excited about?

I have to confess I've actually never been.......
That's disgraceful. I mean I lived in the area where its held for 3 years and yet never really had the inclination to go. I suppose that's because over the years it has changed so much, the emphasis has been taken away from the racing itself, die-hard motorbike fans have been replaced by groups of yobos getting boozed up instead and I don't fancy spending all day getting leered at by drunken ravers, especially in the rain!

I work with an old-time motorbike fanatic, he has really been amusing over the last few days which have been warm and sunny

So, Yea, my tattoo is growing on me. I do like it now it is starting to heal. It goes though this ugly period and its horrible then and its taking ages to get over it... so... you know.
There is still nothing happening on my card so I'll just tell my bank to keep an eye on it and tell me if anything happens that shouldn't and I'll cancel asap...
Have CLEAN fun this weekend...