I am having the most frustrated day ever!!! Stupid people make me so fucking sick!!!
Supposedly educated people who work in an office and don't edit the work they do before they send it out of the office drive me crazy!! Title insurance companies must have the most idiotic people on earth working for them, or else their typists SUCK !!
For some reaon I get really upset when people who are supposed to be PROFESSIONALS lack the necessary skills to edit their own work and correct typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. This is grade-school stuff people.
Let me explain:
I work for an engineering and surveying firm, in the land surveys division. Often, I have to work with clients and companies other than my own, and sometimes I have to get information from them in order to do my job. I have learned over the years that the majority of the SO-CALLED college educated professionals out there are SEVERELY lacking in basic language, composition/writing, grammar and spelling skills. I don't know why this makes me so mad, but it does. I am so disappointed in our educational system right now.
By the way, does anyone know how to make the type larger in this little "update and edit your journal" window? I think I need glasses.
Supposedly educated people who work in an office and don't edit the work they do before they send it out of the office drive me crazy!! Title insurance companies must have the most idiotic people on earth working for them, or else their typists SUCK !!
For some reaon I get really upset when people who are supposed to be PROFESSIONALS lack the necessary skills to edit their own work and correct typographical, spelling and grammatical errors. This is grade-school stuff people.
Let me explain:
I work for an engineering and surveying firm, in the land surveys division. Often, I have to work with clients and companies other than my own, and sometimes I have to get information from them in order to do my job. I have learned over the years that the majority of the SO-CALLED college educated professionals out there are SEVERELY lacking in basic language, composition/writing, grammar and spelling skills. I don't know why this makes me so mad, but it does. I am so disappointed in our educational system right now.
By the way, does anyone know how to make the type larger in this little "update and edit your journal" window? I think I need glasses.
Sorry to hear about the idiots at your work. I would say that about my co workers, but most of the time I am working with Jinxi and she is way better at everything than I am. Well, I hope that the rest of your day goes better than today. Take care.

i feel for ya. i work with complete idiots too but yours are probably worse then mine cause im just doing food service but most of the idiots at my job are my bosses go figure. do people not know how to use spell check? how your day and week gets better