I've come to the conclution, Nothing can go right in my life. I'm tring to get a new computer. My sister helped me get a loan for it. Thank you sister. Ok, so I designed the one I like.
AMD 64 atholon Processor, 2gb memory, 160 GB hard drive, top of the line everything. I try to order it and the bank rejects it because of the max daily purchase. I call the bank and get them to up it for ONE purchase only. They put the charge through and decline it because of an address problem. I am sooooooo PISSED OFF. I HATE THEM ALL.
AMD 64 atholon Processor, 2gb memory, 160 GB hard drive, top of the line everything. I try to order it and the bank rejects it because of the max daily purchase. I call the bank and get them to up it for ONE purchase only. They put the charge through and decline it because of an address problem. I am sooooooo PISSED OFF. I HATE THEM ALL.