i have been spending way too much time at this site, but i suppose thats what its for.
yesterday i told nate that cat and ed had bought me this membership and he posed the question:
what does a member of suicide girls do?
and i answered:
looks at naked girls a lot.
mario is currently in my lap, yawning, kissing my mouth, and kneeding my arms with his paws.
sometimes his cuteness is barely containable in one small kitty body.
yesterday i told nate that cat and ed had bought me this membership and he posed the question:
what does a member of suicide girls do?
and i answered:
looks at naked girls a lot.
mario is currently in my lap, yawning, kissing my mouth, and kneeding my arms with his paws.
sometimes his cuteness is barely containable in one small kitty body.
Welcome to the site