well, it's been a while. i've been in germany having an operation done on my back for the past three weeks. i'm finally all better now. i proudly wore my suicide girls shirt and buttons while i was over seas. gotta go.
well, holy shit, i'm actually using my dad's computer right now (i know, kinda inappropriate), and i finally can see the comments that people have left me in the past. it was exciting to see them. oh how the little things make me happy, i'm such a dork.
I went to see the live suicide girls a few weekends ago and it was fucking great.... Read More
damn...it's been a while since i've had the chance to write anything. my life has been crazy. this weekend is going to be great though, going to see the suicide girls in chicago at the double door. anybody else going? got any tips on where to stay? hot, hot ladies, all night. doesn't get any better than that!
Hope you had a good time with that. Me and my gal like to sit and look at girls too, but also rarely get the chance to do it together, and when we do it usually doesnt last to long before we wanna get at it. Good times. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
It was back to work today and it sucked, I'm a dog groomer and we hardly had any appointments, so it was boring as shit. At least I'm totally booked for tomorrow. Plus, it's hot and sticky out, it sucks. Boy, my life must sound so fucking boring, but it really isn't. It's filled with way too much drama. I just can't do much besides... Read More
I really should go to sleep. I have to get up early on my day off to go to the pain clinic in the morning. I'm slightly wound up right now though. We just got done with our second round of love making for the day, it was very sweet tonight....lots of kissing, I know who the hell wants to know about that.
I need... Read More
Reading your blog is like reading penthouse. hahahaha I hope your surgery goes well. That stuff makes me scared as hell, and i wish you nothing but the best with it. Surgery is fine, but anything with the back or neck is bad news. Let everyone know when you get it set up to get some dontations going, i bet alot of people will help. Even if its a small donation every bit counts. Good Luck and have a wicked awesome day!!!
It's Sunday morning....
Maybe I'm just dumb, but I posted my first blog last night and it says that I have two comments, but there is nothing there but the link to those people's page. What's up with that? Am I missing something? If anyone reads this will you let me know?
Time to get a start on my day....
So, it's Saturday night and my man is playing with his band at a wedding and I am bored out of my mind. I worked ten hours today, so I'm too tired to go out and do anything, but my mind needs some stimulation. So, why not post my first blog entry, not like anyone is ever going to read it, but what the hell.... Read More
You would be suprized what sneaky little fiend will read different journals at random. I agree with you on the banging issue. I tend to be the same way. I also am sitting here bored waiting for my gal to get home so i can get some too. Peace Have a good weekend.