Woo fucking hoo! I get to take next week off. Goin' to Florence to camp and ride quads on the dunes! Anyone want to go?
Don't you love it when you're feelin' blue and you don't feel like telling anyone about it because you pretty sure they don't care and besides you don't trust them any way? I mean you trust them just not with this. Because it's personal and your scared of what happens when you actually do say something. And it doesn't have anything to do with them...
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Ha. Yeah, we probably should get to know each other better. Right now, you know much more about me than I know about you. No fair.
Should I?

Or, shouldn't I?

I always get myself into trouble when I do.

You ever wonder what makes them tick?

I do like her...
Are we more likely to be ourselves in here?

Do we have something to hide?

I do.
Ah. It's bound to happen. You stay on here long enough and eventually, someone you know will stumble across you.

Hey. So I guess I can use this space as a place to write down my thoughts/feelings/problems. I doubt anyone would find them interesting. Could do my soul some good though.

I met this girl (Christ. How many of our stories start out that way?) About three months ago or so.

You know what. There's way too much to tell. Long story essentially.

We've only...
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I only recently started posting because I would hate to be considered a 'lurker.'

Does anyone really read these things?

I thought not.
I just did wink

Welcome to the BCB group sir biggrin
Just got a hospital bill.


Christ. I shoulda just died.