agony, damn that feeling. So, moving to philadelphia in two months... then my parents are moving to fort myers florida and then i won't be able to see my friends anymore because when i go on break i have to go to florida... Work sucks. I hate working retail, I cannot stand it anymore. My manager scheduled me to work 30 hours this week and i also go to school full time. I have ap testing on the 10th and no time to study. I have no weekend to chill out becuase i have to work at 2 and then im babysitting afterwards, tomorrow im working from 5:30 to midnight... fuck me i hate this shit. The only two days off i have to see a surgeon because i have to get surgery... oh joy, im a mess again. I have a cyst i have to get removed... AND AND!! I have thyriod disease so i have to get more tests run on myself... Other then all of that im fine. Currently, i just feel really overwhelemd. Zach is gone for the weekend... he went to virginia... sigh... i miss him already


Thank- You!!