I don't get it.
Why the hell do I always have these terrible headaches? I feel it throught my ears, my nose, my temples, my head. I'm not particularly stressed, I'm not hungry, I got sufficent sleep, I didn't drink last night....
So what the hell?
When they keep me from doing things I want to do, I know it's a major problem.
I am really tired of this. It's only been, oh say....10 years.
I find myself wanting to drink harcore so I can get rid of it. The other night it took me a 600mg Ibuprofen, and 2 strong-ass martinis to finally have some relief.
Why the hell do I always have these terrible headaches? I feel it throught my ears, my nose, my temples, my head. I'm not particularly stressed, I'm not hungry, I got sufficent sleep, I didn't drink last night....
So what the hell?
When they keep me from doing things I want to do, I know it's a major problem.
I am really tired of this. It's only been, oh say....10 years.

I find myself wanting to drink harcore so I can get rid of it. The other night it took me a 600mg Ibuprofen, and 2 strong-ass martinis to finally have some relief.
fuck headaches
I am not a doc but I learned to massage and in applying the knowledge I also learned that many headaches spread from problems of the back and neck! Ever checked?