Im soooo bored!!

I want to go out tonight! i want to go out untill all the pubs shut and just have a good time!

I'm hoping to put up a new set of photos tonight!! maybe another shower set... they are fun, i loving soaping it up!! bubbles are the best!!

What do you think??
You can suggest soemthing if u feel like i...
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shower sounds great to me !!!!!!
hey miss.x
I'm feeling really low today, im in a rotton mood!

i need to write down and get it all off my chest.....

i have heaps of emotions, some times i just wish i could say nasty things to people that piss me off (ie my mum) just tell them how i feel, say it as it is! but in society today its unacceptable.... people just...
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Sounds like you do have a lot on your plate and I am sorry that it is making you feel low I think you took a great first step by getting it out. Now you gotta not let it build up again. You know you are a good mother so tell you mom and mom in law to butt out that you got it handled. Tell the bf to remove head from scphincter and go buy a charger and tell you other friends they have to stop looking to you to fix everything. I hope this helps and wasnt a total waste of your time ...Take Care

omfg! i almost fell off my chair thismorning!!!!!
CENTERLINK FINALLY DID THEIR JOB!!! ive been waiting 4 months for them to fix a problem so i can use their online reporting system... and each time i go in there and wait and wait and wait for them then see some to say they have fixed the hadn't!!!!!
but today when i went to use it...IT...
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AWWWW! very cute cake. have fun with it!!
the cake is a vanilla cake and the covered in white mashmellows, chocolate drops, raspberry twist mouth, those weird sugar silver ball things... lol
Come on holiday with me, leaving Friday!

How about an evening walk, or is it too cold? It is frakn cold and windy in Perth. Glad to leave.
colder the weather the better!!!! blush
Ok.... I am very disappointed! there are sooo meny groups on this site i want to be apart of... but no i cant... beucase i have to be a member of this site for 2,3,4 months 2 YEARS even!!! it makes me sad.... how can i become a commited member of this site if i cant join groups that interest me.... Its frustraiting i makes...
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im soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited about tomorrow night, im having a drinks and dinner party! MY friend and i are cooking indian fooooood yummm i love Indian food! Rogan Josh and authentic butter chicken!!!
yummmmy hehehe im making Fruit tingle cocktails and Buttery Nipple with a Cherry Kiss shots.

Well it was my last day of term at TAFE today, just dappled in some painting, i should...
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I like your son, a boy should make a mess and get into trouble. haha.

When you invite me around, remember vegetarian, apart from that your menu sounds great. I love Indian food. The best Indian food I have had was in Cambodia -- go figure. Wish I was there, and not here in cold Perth.

Yes, upload a few pics, would be interesting to see. I will give you my opinions, I am good at giving opinions on art, even though I have 0 artistic ability. Speaking of art, great boobie pics, yummy.

weeeeeeeeeeell, ive been so lucky the past month i keep finding bras in my cup size!!! its excellent! so ive been stocking up on my perdy bits and pieces! i bought a really nice purple Lacey one today <3 sooo nice and i bought a blue and black one last week!! I love bras they are fun....

Cooking is always fun, ive been cooking a...
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haha well thats nice, people are going to get a scary view into my odd life tongue
The vegetarian lasanga sounds great, me being a vegetarian. Also, the bras sound very interesting, maybe you should post a few pics. Don't write down what you don't want to go public, it is the internet. Things last forever! What are you studying?
Well its morning, and for some reason again!! i was awake before my son! why??? why is this happening to me, being awake at 6/630 in the morning is just not good.
House to myself today, i have to do a bit of cleaning which will be hard with dylan... he just loves to get into everything pull out all the dvd's throw toys all...
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Haha you're from Wagga? I spent a few years of my youth there while my dad was in the army. Welcome to SG lady, hope you enjoy your stay wink
Welcome to the site, thanks for the add.