I had my filling done yesterday, i had to have twice as much numbing. It was awful. the most uncomfortable thing ever! so much drilling. I have to have a few smaller ones next week. so im not looking forward to that at all!
Today, i was meant to be having surgery. Septum reconstruction and scraping out of all my sinuses the packed with some kind of packing. i decided against having it done, because a few people i have met this year have had it done and since then they have been getting awful migraines, and thats something that i dont really want. i already get them every now and then.
i got my new glasses yesterday, finally. i can see properly when im using the computer and reading,
When i dropped Dylan off at daycare, the carer gave me a book that they had made all about dylan throughout the year, its all about his development, fine motor skills, developmental, communication and pre-literacy skills. tells me about how he is coming along with these skills. its very interesting. its full of pictures of Dyl par taking in those activities. im sooooo proud of him! <3 he is the most important person to me in the world.
Holiday time, 2 months off feels good! i have a few things planed, cleaning and going away in january with my family. we are going to the coast, its been years since i have been to the beach. i miss it soo much, it was a amssive part of my life when i was younger. staying a month with my Nanna and Pa, swimming 2 times a day at the beach. it was the most fun thing i did when i was young. Then they moved to wagga, and we didnt go anywhere in the summer holidays.

Today, i was meant to be having surgery. Septum reconstruction and scraping out of all my sinuses the packed with some kind of packing. i decided against having it done, because a few people i have met this year have had it done and since then they have been getting awful migraines, and thats something that i dont really want. i already get them every now and then.
i got my new glasses yesterday, finally. i can see properly when im using the computer and reading,
When i dropped Dylan off at daycare, the carer gave me a book that they had made all about dylan throughout the year, its all about his development, fine motor skills, developmental, communication and pre-literacy skills. tells me about how he is coming along with these skills. its very interesting. its full of pictures of Dyl par taking in those activities. im sooooo proud of him! <3 he is the most important person to me in the world.
Holiday time, 2 months off feels good! i have a few things planed, cleaning and going away in january with my family. we are going to the coast, its been years since i have been to the beach. i miss it soo much, it was a amssive part of my life when i was younger. staying a month with my Nanna and Pa, swimming 2 times a day at the beach. it was the most fun thing i did when i was young. Then they moved to wagga, and we didnt go anywhere in the summer holidays.

Oh I hate going to the dentist. They are no fun at all.
i love how cute you look in your glasses and dentist's are never fun