ok! so i'm sick again!
SINUS SINUS SINUS!!!!!!!! god damn FUCKING sinus!!! this meds that my specialist has me on is doing nothing at all!!!!! all they are doing are making me feel crappy because of the side effects!
the throat is fuck off dry... and my nose is blocked like a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant breath through my nose when i sleep so my mouth dries out like sand paper! its FILTH!!!!
thus all creating a lack of sleep.. which i totally need when i have a 1 year old! siiiiigh!
my lips have never ever been this dry. i hate it sooo much.
iiiiiiiiiii dont know! im jsut not feeling very happy these days. im not happy with my self or my life.. like allways
i dont know im just a little emo lol.
I started getting into painting again i need to take more photos of my stuff i did about 4 at class today.
SINUS SINUS SINUS!!!!!!!! god damn FUCKING sinus!!! this meds that my specialist has me on is doing nothing at all!!!!! all they are doing are making me feel crappy because of the side effects!

the throat is fuck off dry... and my nose is blocked like a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant breath through my nose when i sleep so my mouth dries out like sand paper! its FILTH!!!!
thus all creating a lack of sleep.. which i totally need when i have a 1 year old! siiiiigh!
my lips have never ever been this dry. i hate it sooo much.
iiiiiiiiiii dont know! im jsut not feeling very happy these days. im not happy with my self or my life.. like allways

I started getting into painting again i need to take more photos of my stuff i did about 4 at class today.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Can offer no advice about the sinus, but my best wishes. And maybe get a second opinion?