Brrrr its cold.... im at my boyfriends house adn they only have a wood fire heater... doesnt heat the whole house... tooo cold!!!! haha im cuddled up in bed watching my son sleeping, he is sooo cute... making baby noises in his sleep <3
I seem to be loosing time, days just pass me and i dont even notice... nothing really hppends i dont do anything with me time but sit around on the net and look after dylan, i go to tafe one day a week and music lessons once a week for 1/2 n hour. other then that i do nothing....
i did go out the passed weekend... had a great time with my friend from young! i bleached her hair for her and we had drink then went out to the pub... got trollied and had 2am maccas lol n passed out in bed lol!! was awesome! great to catch up. hehehe....
I have started back at the gym, its been great... weights and cardio, fuuuuun <3
I seem to be loosing time, days just pass me and i dont even notice... nothing really hppends i dont do anything with me time but sit around on the net and look after dylan, i go to tafe one day a week and music lessons once a week for 1/2 n hour. other then that i do nothing....
i did go out the passed weekend... had a great time with my friend from young! i bleached her hair for her and we had drink then went out to the pub... got trollied and had 2am maccas lol n passed out in bed lol!! was awesome! great to catch up. hehehe....
I have started back at the gym, its been great... weights and cardio, fuuuuun <3