Boy it has been a while since I posted anything. Well.. I am going back to Japan in October for 7 days then to Hong Kong to finalize manufacturing of my clothing line "Gothic Lollipop". It is a Gothic Lolita inspired line.It will be online in Late November with a launch party and fashion show to follow. I will be asking a few of you to be in the show..if ya want
. It has been a crazy last month with dealing wih Pattern makers and sample makers too. So much work to do and I dont even have a logo for my Line yet.. Yikes ! any suggestions ??
This is my first trip to Hong Kong and Mainland China. I will stick out like a sore thumb. I will be buying whatever catches my eye. probably cool Bruce Lee stuff I cant get here. I am a sucker for 70's Kung Fu movie posters.
I have set aside one full day in Hong Kong to sight see too. I have been taking Cantonese lessons so i think i know enough now to fumble my way through. On another note.. Plan 9 (my band) got endorsed by Coffin Case. I am sure you have seen them. All the Coffin shaped guitar cases and hand bags seen at almost every Goth club. Well we got it and i loaded up on cool cases last weekend. we will be in their catalogue. Hthe owner took pix of me with the case. Our drummer got endorsed by Thrust drums and I got endorsed by King Bass.
It has been wild indeed. Finally some good things have been comming my way.
How has your life been??

This is my first trip to Hong Kong and Mainland China. I will stick out like a sore thumb. I will be buying whatever catches my eye. probably cool Bruce Lee stuff I cant get here. I am a sucker for 70's Kung Fu movie posters.

It has been wild indeed. Finally some good things have been comming my way.

I'm going to be there from the 13th through the 26th. I'll be in Shinjuku for the first half of my trip--we should definitely hook up.
