Had a shitty weekend. Went to the Cherry Blossom festival on saturday and Sunday. I over slept on Sunday and missed my Festival duties.. oh well.. there is next year. The CBF makes me a bit sad though.. Loads of memories attached to it. but what else is new??
Then if that is not enough I got totally disse by my friend for whatever reason.. damn.. one of those weekends. Thiis week should be better. On a side note. I spilled a full bottle of Balck Shoe Dye all over my kitchen floor. I black stain 3' long by 2' wide. I have to replace the linoleum this week. Found a cheap place to get it and have it installed. What a Fuckin drag !!!!
Totally made the weekend even worse than it was..
Ugh!! I need a vacation.. How was your weekend??

Ugh!! I need a vacation.. How was your weekend??