HeLLo to all my sweeT super sexxy suicidegirl friends I hope your all doing fine and r very happy, I been having my own drama lately. I recently had to move, some new people brought our bdg. and decided to redo the whole bdg. it was really so old, so everybody had to leave and I had 30 days.What a FucKen hassle I spent the whole monTh of March pacKing and looking for a place to live, Damm it was so FucKed up as if I haven't been thought enough changes last year. The third place I found they accepTed my application and I took it, unfortunately its so far away from my neighborhood and I really miss it. This really was alot to go through cause I'd lived there for so long and had so many memories there, to tell you the truth I know I should have moved a long time ago I just didn't want to I was commfortable and it was dirt cheap there,someTimes I think it was more like an old loser bdg. for people who have no friends or family, by the way my two single male neighbors mysteriouly died
. But Fortunately I don'T feel so creeped out at my new place, I've cleared all the old energy out and I can relax, mediTate, sleep and feel just fine. Moneys alittle tight right now so I've decided to leave SG for awhile til I caught up with my bills or get a second job which really sucKs cause I really LoVe all you BeauTiful woman, But I'll be back, to LoVe all of you, appreciate and perv on all your wonderful phoTos lol !!!.........So May 13 th is my last day
But I'm truley so craZy for all of you GorGesous wonderFuL women, I just wish at least one of you was my woman, Oh well I think I'll just stay single for a few years or maybe forever, relationships r so hard and I'm so misunderstood no matter how good I can be and always get my HearT ripped out, so oh well whaTever there r surly worst things in the world, buT I LoVe You all sincerely Ron ..........................XOXOXOXOXOXO

Just wanna say hello to all the sweet SuicideGirls well I'm finally back once again after a very long time after going through some changes and what not in my life, wow the site is sure different I kinda miss the old site oh well its still all the Beautiful SuicideGirls I love and admire so much, I mean who wouldn't Love a HoTT pieced inked up Babe lol, I could only stay away so long before I lonely for all you beautiful woman again ;) . Anyway just wanna Hi and let you know I'm here for you if you ever wanna say Hi and maybe some or all of SuicideGirl can come over and help navigate me through this New revamped site sometime I promise I'll be good guLp Biong ........ NoT lol !!xoxox