HeLLo to all my sweeT wonderFuL SuicidegirLs well ValenTine's Day is coming up so couples should start planning NoW where to taKe your HoTT Lover, your very lucky, No girlfriends in siTe for me oh well I keep telling myself not to hurry and enjoy my time being single, so I do I go out every weekend to see some live music there all kinds of small cool clubs with local bands playing, for about $10 bucks plus somes drinKs lol ! But alot of these bands r so fucKen good !! I'm currently teaching myself to play elecTric guiTar, last monTh I bought a blk n wht Fender Squire GuiTar kit wiTh everything for $200 shes so beauTiful and I'm finally geTTing better at the1st lesson its power cords. So I have a whole NeW appreication for music like I never had before
I always did love music so much, mosTly love to sing I was a baratone in H.S. thats not much of a range, but anyway I just want to be up on the stage someday with a band that would be so FucKen Great, I'll show you some phoTos next time I promise
......... wish me lucK sincerely Ron xoxoxoxoxo

I'm fine now! Thank you 

You r sooo fine, thats why I wanna kiss those sweet lips and maybe squeeZe you for awhile, maybe for a few months; guLp Biong lol !!!!..........xoxoxxoxox