well this may be my last week end without having plans of some sort for a few months. next week end we're having a sledding party for our sons wrestling team, week end after that we got invited to an oyster feed, sounds fun, but i get all self consceice around people..even people ive known for yrs. wish i wouldnt do that, but Im not sure i can change it now. I'll never feel like i belong, im not trying to get sympathy by any means, i just never stayed in one spot growing up, and i just cant seem to feel at home...and you add the hair the piercing the tattoos and how i dress... well i probably dont belong. Where I live that is. I get along better with men then women, at least most the women around here, and to some i think im a novelty friend, the one that stands out, not really ever getting to know me,but feel different just for knowing me. One of my Best Friends here is very Religous,but down to earth and doesnt care who i am. But in public i can tell she doesnt really want to socialize, i understand i guess but it still sux. Im never willing to change myself for the people around me, and with most people today they have so many faces you never know wich is their real face. So then that makes me very stand offish ...
Ok enough about me.... Im not good at talkin about me, lets hear about you.
what is one subject youd love to discuss with me? of course over wine or a case of beer
Ok enough about me.... Im not good at talkin about me, lets hear about you.
what is one subject youd love to discuss with me? of course over wine or a case of beer

I am admired and respected by Mad_fer_it I always thought I was a bug on his windshield.
Man, I hear you about being the "novelty" person. I'm that way with a lot of people. Thing is, whatever. No room in my life for people like that. Either like me for me or get the hell out.
You and I would most likely talk about music over a case of beer and then play that music very loudly.