Today is my 11th wedding Anniversarry
Thank you BAN for always being there when i need you.
I have no idea what we're doin today but Im sure it willl be good lol.
But today i do have a story, Thurs was my Brother in laws Bday, I decided to go out, stayed out till 2 AM
didnt get drunk but had a great time.
woke up the next morning with the worst Migraine ever... i couldnt get my head out of the toilet . See there are certain alchohols that give me Migraines
and It just so happened Thurs i drank one that does,my luck! so my kids and i stayed home and I babysat. had a very lazy day, then the other 2 kids i babysit for got home off the bus, and they and my 2 boys and their little brother were playing all over the property, bein boys , they were in the drive way when i noticed the neighbor boys were having a BB gun fight, and it had spilled ove to our property, now im not mean but i hollared at em and said they cant be shootin BBs around the little kids, (they were shooting OVER their heads), I said make sure the kids are far away from you, I'll keep them up here if you want to use the front peice of property....Then a bushy haird kid starts yellin at me and bein a complete ass.....????.... and really for no reason, tellin me little kids are ok to hit because it bounces of of them????? now I ws like WTF..... and so I told my husband I was goin over to the neighbors and let the mom know that one of the visiting boys was acting like an ass...... granted they had already pointed the guns at my daughters head.
I knocked on the door and told the mom she had a kid over with a attitude problem.... She says... WELLIM SURE HE DOESNT LIKE GETTIN HIT WITH ROCKS EITHER...??????????I proceeded to let her know what the fuck was goin on since she didnt have a clue. Although our oldest threw a rock and hit him in the side....but she was bein chased by 7 boys with BBs....
this kids cops an attitude with me and argued to the point i was gettin upset....THEN calls my daughter a BITCH...............
... So i got my husband ... he brought our daughter over made her appologize for the rock.....and then proceeed to give him a talk. This kid had no care in he world who was talkin to him.....
The mom of the other boys, our neighbor, was pretty nice after she found out what happened. And said shed been tryin to help this boy out because hes pretty messed up, but, with yesterdays problems he cant come over anymore... Hes 16..... and hes full of anger and doesnt have respect for anything.... or anyone . Its sad. But I cant have kids that i have no idea what theyre going to do or say around mine and others that i babysit!
His dad picked him up... and you know if it was my kid ..... i would have marched his ass on over to apologize.
To say the least i was very pissed.....but its over now and hopefully my daughter doesnt take it to heart.
.... I could do with out them.
I hope everyones week end is a good one
Thank you BAN for always being there when i need you.

I have no idea what we're doin today but Im sure it willl be good lol.
But today i do have a story, Thurs was my Brother in laws Bday, I decided to go out, stayed out till 2 AM

woke up the next morning with the worst Migraine ever... i couldnt get my head out of the toilet . See there are certain alchohols that give me Migraines

I knocked on the door and told the mom she had a kid over with a attitude problem.... She says... WELLIM SURE HE DOESNT LIKE GETTIN HIT WITH ROCKS EITHER...??????????I proceeded to let her know what the fuck was goin on since she didnt have a clue. Although our oldest threw a rock and hit him in the side....but she was bein chased by 7 boys with BBs....
this kids cops an attitude with me and argued to the point i was gettin upset....THEN calls my daughter a BITCH...............

The mom of the other boys, our neighbor, was pretty nice after she found out what happened. And said shed been tryin to help this boy out because hes pretty messed up, but, with yesterdays problems he cant come over anymore... Hes 16..... and hes full of anger and doesnt have respect for anything.... or anyone . Its sad. But I cant have kids that i have no idea what theyre going to do or say around mine and others that i babysit!
His dad picked him up... and you know if it was my kid ..... i would have marched his ass on over to apologize.
To say the least i was very pissed.....but its over now and hopefully my daughter doesnt take it to heart.

I hope everyones week end is a good one

Your husband should have grabbed that little bastard and put some fear into him. Obviously nobody else has, if I found out that anyone pointed a bb gun at my nieces let a lone my little girl, which I don't have yet, I would go ballistic. I would have called his parents right away and would have been threatening to press charges. It's kids like that that the police need to get ahold of and put some fear into them.
Well hopefully he is gone now.
Hope you are swinging from the chandeliers again.
I have a 12 year old boy from a previous marriage and he is a perfect gentleman (around adults). People always ask how I got him to behave so well and I tell them that I put the fear of God in him as a small child and he STILL thinks I would kill him; I used to tell him I wouldn't even miss him because I could make another just like him. Now that id parenting!
Me and a buddy are currently talking about writing a book entitled "It's Called A Spankin" I'll send you a copy for your neighbor if we ever get it wrote. Anyway, Happy Anniversary and I hope y'all have many more.