How appropriatte that my acct. ends on my Bday
Thankyou to all who gave me Bday wishes and spankins
... AC anytime sweety anytime!
My Bday went like this,
12:05 AM.. 4 yr old slept sideways in bed with me and kicked my pircing. hurt like a SOB....
I take him upstairrs to his bed, and i find that my 8 1/2 yr old Great Dane shit everywhere....So i cleaned it up, went to bed
1:30 AM... daughters come screaming downstairs, incoherently lol. situation : our 9 yr old Brittny (dog) had went outside with my GD and this is weird i know but he can open certain doors. he must of opened the door and scared a skunk who was on our porch, making the skunk spray him and our living room, Philo (the dog) proceeds into the girls bedroom, and jumps on both their beds rolling around trying to get the smell off i guess. then he runs all over the house, downstairs.. ect.
.... every time i put him out hed open the door and do it again.....
so i had to barracade the door. tried my best to freshen up everything, calm kids down....ect.
got back to bed about 2:30 AM, and was near puking the smell was sooo intense.
7:00 AM alarm didnt go of so kids missed the bus. wich is fine their clothes alllllll smelled like skunk so i wouldnt have sent them. Oh and i had to clean up cat shit in the corner.... I guess she figured the house stunk anyways why not ...i go back to bed
8:00 AM .... the boy I babysit shows up...i wasnt really in the mood to babysit but its not his fault lol.
i layed on the couch for a bit.... spraying febreeze when ever i got a whif., I watched the old B&W Immatation of Life with Claudette Colbert
... but kids were running amuk and the phone was ringing off the hook. so i missed the end....
My sister calls ... says where are you i said in my living room WHY!!!? Oh IM outside lol.... she drove an hour and a hlaf to see me yesterday! what a sweetheart!... Now my sis and I arepolar opposittes lol but i love her to death.
around 4:00 the garbage disposal backs up as i was doing dishes and cleaning out the sink
7: 00 Pm My hubby took me to dinner at an Itallian restaraunt , and bought me a new CD.
I was in bed by 9:30 pm.....
so technically my Bday STUNK
sorry about it being so long but i dont know how to use the spoiler.....
Thankyou to all who gave me Bday wishes and spankins
My Bday went like this,
12:05 AM.. 4 yr old slept sideways in bed with me and kicked my pircing. hurt like a SOB....
I take him upstairrs to his bed, and i find that my 8 1/2 yr old Great Dane shit everywhere....So i cleaned it up, went to bed
1:30 AM... daughters come screaming downstairs, incoherently lol. situation : our 9 yr old Brittny (dog) had went outside with my GD and this is weird i know but he can open certain doors. he must of opened the door and scared a skunk who was on our porch, making the skunk spray him and our living room, Philo (the dog) proceeds into the girls bedroom, and jumps on both their beds rolling around trying to get the smell off i guess. then he runs all over the house, downstairs.. ect.
so i had to barracade the door. tried my best to freshen up everything, calm kids down....ect.
got back to bed about 2:30 AM, and was near puking the smell was sooo intense.
7:00 AM alarm didnt go of so kids missed the bus. wich is fine their clothes alllllll smelled like skunk so i wouldnt have sent them. Oh and i had to clean up cat shit in the corner.... I guess she figured the house stunk anyways why not ...i go back to bed
8:00 AM .... the boy I babysit shows up...i wasnt really in the mood to babysit but its not his fault lol.
i layed on the couch for a bit.... spraying febreeze when ever i got a whif., I watched the old B&W Immatation of Life with Claudette Colbert
My sister calls ... says where are you i said in my living room WHY!!!? Oh IM outside lol.... she drove an hour and a hlaf to see me yesterday! what a sweetheart!... Now my sis and I arepolar opposittes lol but i love her to death.
around 4:00 the garbage disposal backs up as i was doing dishes and cleaning out the sink
7: 00 Pm My hubby took me to dinner at an Itallian restaraunt , and bought me a new CD.
I was in bed by 9:30 pm.....
so technically my Bday STUNK
sorry about it being so long but i dont know how to use the spoiler.....
What a day! I can't believe all that happened to you. Skunk and animal shit......almost enough for you to crawl back into the womb!
Well, at least you have a good story and you had a happy ending!
Actually, I think that Great Dane of yours left you a hell of a surprise!
Welcome to the 30's! Jump in, the water's great!