i cannot handle the weather in eilat! i passed out this afternoon and now its gonna be a bitch trying to sleep tonight.
i saw superman this morning in eilat and woooow ---- peta wilson was in it!!!! for those of who who are IDIOTS she is NIKITA and shes fuckin hot! that definitely made my day -aside from the fact that the movie was good in and of itself.
i am heading to the beach now to see the huge colourful fish
we leave tomorrow after shabbos and then back tot he office on sunday but i will just finish the profile i am working on and that will be it. i would have loved to have started right now at the kibbutz and not have to go back to jerusalem for a wk.
dave said AT LEAST a dozen times how he likes me and it got to be a bit much. he will really have to tone it down in order for me to be able to tolerate it for an entire month. im cool being friends with him but he has to stop mentioning every other sentence that he looks for intelligence in women and then i possess such intelligence -see, i dont really, im not even quite certain if i spelled possess properly
i dont know exactly what to do about it, i may have to ask someone to put in a word for me because i feel bad about it.
talk to you later,
i saw superman this morning in eilat and woooow ---- peta wilson was in it!!!! for those of who who are IDIOTS she is NIKITA and shes fuckin hot! that definitely made my day -aside from the fact that the movie was good in and of itself.
i am heading to the beach now to see the huge colourful fish

dave said AT LEAST a dozen times how he likes me and it got to be a bit much. he will really have to tone it down in order for me to be able to tolerate it for an entire month. im cool being friends with him but he has to stop mentioning every other sentence that he looks for intelligence in women and then i possess such intelligence -see, i dont really, im not even quite certain if i spelled possess properly

talk to you later,

If I were you, I would just accept the bizzare sleep patterns. It's better to just sleep in the afternoon there anyway. It's too damn hot for anything else. I guess there's the pool, but you can only do that so much.