slightly productive today; wrote one of my 800 word articles that i have been putting off, should go be out in print in vancouver thursday and online friday. sitting in the radio office right now -its been a nice day. been reading a LOT; totally enthralled by the twilight books. on the third one now -eclipse
I have been really distracted the last while because I got Twitter! My dissertation for my masters is on social networking media so I've been paying extra attention to all action on there along with my blogger and facebook. Neeeerd! haha
Follow me @IhaveTheFear !!
Follow me @IhaveTheFear !!
Now I have to read about this here too? I was hoping it would stay confined to Facebook.
lazing around on a sunday afternoon, what to do? probably the gym later... maybe a film in the evening. i REALLY want to still see slumdog millionaire and the watchmen but since im home i reckon my family wouldnt want to see watchmen and theyve already seen slumdog. dont think theres anything else good out?
hmmm no one came forward! ah well!
ive decided to finally get my second tattoo after wanting one for the last few years but struggling to decide what to get and where.
i have decided on a fairy on my pelvic bone, opposite my first flower tattoo. however, i need to figure out how to pick the fairy i want. there mythology behind it, and...
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ive decided to finally get my second tattoo after wanting one for the last few years but struggling to decide what to get and where.
i have decided on a fairy on my pelvic bone, opposite my first flower tattoo. however, i need to figure out how to pick the fairy i want. there mythology behind it, and...
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hmm thanks otter! hopefully my account would "re-deactivate" itself if it was an error! x
somebody bought me 3 months of free time on here, whoever you are, thanks!! ive missed being on here! let me know who you are? xx
wow hadnt realized it had been so long since my last entry. im on sg for the first time at work because i got a message that my account could not be processed which made me realize i have had sg for a year now. fuck does time fly!! haha thanks again jake for introducing it to me
canada day was ok. went down to...
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canada day was ok. went down to...
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That sound be fine. Of course, I will forget all about it, and will have to be reminded. But I expect you knew that already.
Tel Aviv Oct 10th lonnnng way away and Canada Day lol love it was there 2 yrs ago around that time
well, i am back in the city an receiving the first wafts of... smelly garbage, yuck! this municipality REALLY needs to get its act together and do some urban restoration!
rice gave a speech last night that was very good to hear. i always disliked her, on principal, but never actually had listening to her talk for a prolonged amount of time. she is coming...
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rice gave a speech last night that was very good to hear. i always disliked her, on principal, but never actually had listening to her talk for a prolonged amount of time. she is coming...
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i cannot handle the weather in eilat! i passed out this afternoon and now its gonna be a bitch trying to sleep tonight.
i saw superman this morning in eilat and woooow ---- peta wilson was in it!!!! for those of who who are IDIOTS she is NIKITA and shes fuckin hot! that definitely made my day -aside from the fact that the movie was...
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i saw superman this morning in eilat and woooow ---- peta wilson was in it!!!! for those of who who are IDIOTS she is NIKITA and shes fuckin hot! that definitely made my day -aside from the fact that the movie was...
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If I were you, I would just accept the bizzare sleep patterns. It's better to just sleep in the afternoon there anyway. It's too damn hot for anything else. I guess there's the pool, but you can only do that so much.
I am at yotvata. the stupid kibbutz bus took foreeeever to get here: 1:10min. oh well, i'm here now and just will take egged from now on!
must get some food, breakfast at the hotel is only til 10 so i got up to eat at a time that ir eally cant eat so much. shall see what the miznon has to offer today. not...
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must get some food, breakfast at the hotel is only til 10 so i got up to eat at a time that ir eally cant eat so much. shall see what the miznon has to offer today. not...
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The miznon has crap. But it's still better than the dining room.
it sucks that by writing this post... kalee's picture will disappear from the main page of my profile... *sigh*
i head to eilat tomorrow. i have decided that i wont be taking my computer because i have been wasting far too much time online in the past week or so. it will be nice to get away from it and actually spend my time doing...
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i head to eilat tomorrow. i have decided that i wont be taking my computer because i have been wasting far too much time online in the past week or so. it will be nice to get away from it and actually spend my time doing...
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