I left my Canadian cell phone with my mom and after trying to call it and not having her pick-up and trying again repeatedly I have concluded that she must be too daft to realize that the Our Lady Peace song that she will be hearing must be the phone ringing. I came into the office and it took me forever to actually get around...
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I was able to get back early from the kayaking in Tel Aviv so that was nice. It was only 12 and 16 year old heats that were running in the afternoon and I didn't feel like hanging around for that. The Olympic calibre athletes weren't present and although that could have made this a 'Games We Play' article had I covered the children, I...
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I can't sleep.

News out of the north was not good today.

Turns out Bar Ilan has a journalism and communications program so I am looking into it. I hope they get back to me right away tomorrow. I would have to take the year off and do ulpan in order to be able to take courses in Hebrew though but that isn't something I...
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Most people think,
Great G-d will come from the skies,
Take away everything
And make everybody feel high.
But if you know what life is worth,
You will look for yours on earth:
And now you see the light,
You stand up for your rights. Jah!
"Don't mention the war"
The weather is pretty good here this time of year...plenty of sunshine in the morning, some showers in the afternoon, and a cool evening to relax in. Oh to be young, wild, and free again...

My article from my Vancouver paper from last Thursday's publication was finally put online and it turns out that it was a front page story -it's always nice to find things out like that. This week will also have an article I rewrote from the Post in the Indepedent and I'm hoping to sell them a third one from the track and field I covered...
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Yeah, Atlantic City is supposed to be the Vegas of the east. It's not quite the same though. It's very, well, New Jersey. I'm having fun anyway, and I'm currently recovering from last night.
i am at the office for the night. i covered track and field and although it ended at around 9, we didnt get out of there until close to 11 because the editor still needed to type stuff up to send in. i wrote a sidebar about a canadian athlete which i had finished an hour beforehand so i sat and waited. i got back...
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back at the office. was supposed to do many things today that i didn't end up doing any of them. i cancelled covering both golf and track and field and am basically sitting here doing nothing. i need to distract myself from thinking. if i think i'll be upset. at least it will look like i have dont some work in the last few days...
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France are receiving their silver medals.. I'm going to go mope now
So Germany won last night -it was a very good game! Klinsmann went nuts when they scored the own goal to make it 2-0!

I bus back at 5 so that will give me enough time to find a place to watch the game tonight. Four years inbetween cups always seems to go by so quickly. It's time markers like that which make getting older,...
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i kept saying i was going to keep a journal when i got here but i have been here for 2 months and havent started writing yet so i see this now as my substitute. i actually havent written in my journal for 2 years because i got tired of my writing style.

the bronze medal match is in an hour. my cousins arent remotely...
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at my cousins kibbutz for the weekend. its sort of surreal -and i dont use surreal lightly because i think the understanding of surrealism is limited and that the word is overused. my parents met at this kibbutz 29 years ago. my whole life i have said countless times "my parents met at kibbutz" "oh what kibbutz?" people will say; "urim" i always respond. it...
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