My Adventure @ The Hootenanny
- Saturday, July 03, 2004

Well maybe it just seemed like an adventure since I was nicely buzzed most of the time I was there. There was no care in the world. The only care was just to wander around and have a good time. Meeting people and listening to the great bands, the way it should be!

My consumption...
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oh lucky you....
I couldn't get down to Cali mad....I missed out last year too mad mad
Anywho, gald one of us got to go and had a good time.
Take care
frown you forgot about us in SG land....
perhaps I should bug you in myspace?
i do hope all is well....
Good morning,
I had forgot I had an SG account. So I came back to make use of it!
well hello.....
don't let another six months go by. eeek
bok Hello Suicide Girls and Cretins! This is Devil One, just writing something for the journal (might as well write something if it's there, right?).

Well I must be off now . . .

kthx. fku
Devil One