The lost wallet has been found and I am offically a dumbass!!! My roomie found it in the cupboard in the bathroom. Why it was in the cupboard? I don't know Everyone totally has the right to point and laugh at me.
We went to go see mechanical separation last night. I drank WAY too much. Made out with my friend Tayce, humped some peoples legs and lost my wallet. I've been all day. Now I remember why I don't really drink large amounts of booze. I think I should go make something to eat besides soda crackers and chicken soup broth.
I'm buying a laptop soon. The Powerbook G4 12''. I'm so very excited. And it's all because my student loan total payment required, was less than I thought.
We went to the suspension show @ the Arch last night. Definately one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I met Elwood409. So, so cute! If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd totally try to do him .
It's looks yucky outside. It's looks kinda windy and wet. I don't really wanna go anywhere today but I gotta work @ 1:00 which means... Read More
I just found out the amount for my student loan I owe is about 1/2 of what I originally thought I had to pay! I am so happy!!
And I received 2 grants from the government totalling $2175.
YAY for free money!!!!!!
I hate Royal bank. They made me all stressed out today. I get paid every 2 weeks, I got paid today. Also on the 15 & 30 of every month I get a check for tips made on visa, mastercard or debit. The bank decided to hold my checks. They haven't held them since I first starting working there mid july/begining of aug. Cunts ruined... Read More