That is the question....

Every time I have bangs I feel like I hate life. But when I grow them out all I want is to have bangs. I'm like an overtired five year old, nothing you do can make me happy. I just can't hair.

Well...  you look pretty gorgeous just like this!
Haha thanks :)

T-2 days before I flash my middle finger at sour suburbia and my man's dirty diesel fills your back yards with black smoke as we tear out of the neighborhood heading for a week of soul reviving peace with the trailer in tow and the dogs in back seat, head out the window in full 'we're going camping' glory. I have been prepacking for like...
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If you haven't ever gone and checked out awkward yeti comics, you should probably remedy that shit real quick. Heart and brain episodes are probaby my favorite but the awkwardness of Lars also speaks straight to my clumsy heart.



or maybe I'm pooping. You may never know. Either way I'm at work and unhappy face is unhappy.


I am so lethargic and spacey, I wish I could fast forward to the end of the day when I get to settle in and cuddle all my loves. This whole working for a living is ridiculous overrated.


It's been a long week with my closest friend spending her time in the hospital. Sucks big fucking monkey balls when all there is to do is watch someone so very dear to your heart sit in such discomfort and know there isn't a damn thing you can do for her. Compounded by the frustration of the doctors who seem only to drag things out...
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agreed, puppy snuggles for the winnnn
Mhmmm :)

Sorry ladies, todays bad thoughts include a lead sled. Mhmmm.

What a great ride!
Ya she is! :)

Finally got signs of life from the migraine clinic and my little noggin is beyond stoked to start the program. Here's hoping for any kind of positive results.

I'm still gonna move again one day though, suck it Calgary.