It's not even dead of winter yet and I'm already looking forward to this again
Don't read this is you don't want to hear me whine...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)At this moment, my anxiety is high. I'm not sure how this came about again. Maybe it's the time change thing. I hate leaving work in the dark. I hate it with a passion.
On my way into work I was afraid to swallow I knew I shouldn't have swallowed. Don't get frustrated because I'm thinking about it. How do you tell yourself to shut up? I can't smoke weed every time I want to relax. It's just not going to happen. I have bills to pay. I have a job that requires me to be all brains 110% of the time I can't wait until the weekend. All this shit will stop. It better be a good one. That's all I have to say.
What does the winter mean cold, huge heating bills, lack of sex drive, weight gain, pale blah skin, Christmas shopping, traveling, depression.
I guess there's snowboarding and snow flakes to look forward too. 
XMAS is kinda cool ... but only with your close friends and family. The cold sucks, but at least you get to accessorize with cool scarves n shit