Work sucks, but that's nothing new. Fucking Christian bastards are hating on me just because I'm the Anti-Christ. So they hired another manager about a week ago and I found out he's a preacher. Suprise suprise they started him off making more than me after I've been working there for a year. I'm just waiting for him to try to say something to me, I'm very open about my beliefs and if he tries to preach to me I'll have to preach right back. I FUCKING HATE THESE CHRISTIAN BASTARDS!!!! It's bad enough that they come into our store and try to give me pamphlets (which I usually rip up in front of their face) but now they're trying to infiltrate the workplace. There is no escape, I'm going to move out to the top of the mountains and live as a hermit. If one of them ever bothers me I'll just skin em alive and suck the marrow from their bones. Is there anywhere in the world that they haven't infiltrated yet? Is there no safe haven from this plague? Am I doomed to spend a lifetime living under their shadow? Please shoot me now.

Them: Would you like a free video about jesus?
Me: Um, I'm fine thanks.