deviant (n) - 1. A person who deviates, especially from norms of social behavior.
2. A thing, phenomenon, or trend that deviates from an expectation or pattern.
dissident (n) - 1. A person who formally opposes the current political structure, opposes the political group in power, opposes the policies of the political group in power, or opposes current laws.
2. One who disagrees or dissents;...
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2. A thing, phenomenon, or trend that deviates from an expectation or pattern.
dissident (n) - 1. A person who formally opposes the current political structure, opposes the political group in power, opposes the policies of the political group in power, or opposes current laws.
2. One who disagrees or dissents;...
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I much appreciated your input on the thread about the surge, I wish we heard more from folks who are in a position to know what the reality is and less from folks (on either side) who have a political agenda to push. Stay safe and get home in one piece. You guys (and gals too) mean the world to me, seriously.
Thank you so much for your nice comment on Kelsie's set, I know it's been a while but I still think that thanks is appropriate. I shot it and I love it when people appreciate what I do!

Yeah so I've been assigned to the 5/14th Cavalry, we're a brand new unit. Our barracks are ghetto as hell they were here when the Japanese flew by and attacked Schofield on its way to Pearl Harbor. There are a few bulletholes still in the walls from where they hit. They say these barracks are considered a historical monument so they can't be torn down....
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Haha, good shit yea my barracks are kinda bad too, no bullet holes but getto as hell. Love it.
Hawaii has a super vibe, though not everyone there partakes of it.
So I just got out of basic training and AIT and finally got to take some leave. Fort Knox sucks, never go there. In a month I'm flying off to Hawaii where I'm gonna be stationed with the 25th ID. Should be fun shit a lot of people have told me Hawaii's a good station the only problem is everything's expensive as hell over there.
yea its exspemsive... but its fun as hell.
Almost Halloween, I can't wait for the insanity to begin. I'm going to dress up as Jesus for Halloween this year, although I'm still debating over whether to be the Buddy Christ or the Passion of Christ Jesus. I really want to go into a church dressed as Jesus and start preaching all kinds of heresies
. Throwing a party at my friends house, probably...
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thanks for the birthday well wishes
Thank you for liking my ink!!!!!!!!!

It's been forever since my last update, which is mostly due to my lack of internet connection right now. I'm kind of squatting around right now sleepin on coaches and slingin shit for money. I should be starting my new job soon toting sheetrock with my friend for a construction supply labor. Nothing beats a nice long day of manual labor. Hopefully I can get...
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Alright, you're in. Welcome aboard.
How as VA treating ya?
Gone to Virginia.

hey there, just profile hopping when i noticed that lil red balloon! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, man.
I am currently preparing for a migration back to the city from which I left a year and a half ago. I originally came down here to Georgia to get off the streets, to get away from everything so I could examine my vision and find my path again. I have come to the realization that my place is with my tribe, without them I...
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Give me your email address and I'll send you the address and directions along with our cell email is
I hate the world that our culture has created. With each passing day I lose more and more hope that our culture will be changed peacefully. I feel like if I dont do something then it will end in extinction and the burden will lie on me for not fighting hard enough, for not struggling against the odds and overcoming the behemoth that our culture...
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your entry is awesome.
I second what Marlowe and aiurea said. Couldn't have said it better, really.
Random, sort of: Have you read Neil Gaiman's American Gods? If not, you might want to check it out. I think you might like it.
So, if you don't mind my asking, why might you be moving back to Virginia?
Random, sort of: Have you read Neil Gaiman's American Gods? If not, you might want to check it out. I think you might like it.

So, if you don't mind my asking, why might you be moving back to Virginia?
I dont update my journal enough. So I just looked at th SGATL group a second ago and realized everybody was hanging out tonight, and i missed out. That sucks. Jem gets to go to Canada, lucky bitch, i hope she has fun. I want to move to Canada, especially if Bush gets re-elected, this country is fucked. So yeah life sucks, Georgia sucks cause...
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I really liked Spidey II, but do agree he should have been smarting off more.
We ought to hang out again sometime.
[Edited on Jul 04, 2004 9:54PM]
We ought to hang out again sometime.
[Edited on Jul 04, 2004 9:54PM]
So I strarted working at Mellow Mushroom on Monday. I love working there, the people are all chill and the work is easy. I amazed everyone with my amazing pizza making skills on the first day. Havent really done anything aside from work this week, mostly cause I'm almost broke and I'm trying to avoid spending money so I'll be able to afford gas and...
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Awesome. We usually hang out at the WaHo off Hwy 54, near Gingercake Rd. You know where that is?
So I was quite busy last week. First I went to the SG Burlesque show on Wednesday and met a lot of SG people I had never seen before. I was right in front of the stage when the girls came out, they were HOT!!! I got covered in beer, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. After the show I got Sicily and Pearl to sign...
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nice adaptation of the Jeremy Irons story in Oryon's journal.
Sounds like an interesting time all around. And I'll go check out your SuicideBoys set in a while. 

So yeah I'm updating, it's been a while. I put in my two weeks notice at Papa Johns on Monday and had an interview at Mellow Mushroom on Tuesday. They offered me a job, gauranteed 40 hours a week and I can start as soon as I want to. The manager there was really cool and laid back, I think it's gonna be a fun...
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Ah... I want to go to that concert soooooo bad. Hopefully I'll have money! If so, ,might see ya there!
what are you talking about, I was there!!!!!