okay, so, the book finally has an actual set-in-stone release date...Feb 14th...Valentine's Day!!
yeah yeah!! and of course i don't expect that anyone will purchase it just because i'm saying you should, so here's an excerpt to (hopefully) atleast get you interested.
"Drop your weapon!" He cried as she stole toward him.
He squeezed out another round, the bullet breaking apart the side of her neck. Muscle and vein fell free, swinging back and forth as she approached. There were two more guards at his side now, all of them with guns raised in ready to take her down.
Her hand moved swiftly at the first guard, the blade tearing at the flesh of his throat, cutting it clean open, then with the same speed pulled out and swung around, the top of the blade ripping open another of the guards throat.
Before the third security gurad could react the blade entered his chest, breaking through his back as he released a dieing scream and let the gun fall free to the floor.
Alyson lifted him a few inches from the floor and threw her arm back, using the weight of his dead body to knock the second guard to the floor. His hand was at his throat now as he tried fruitlessly to stop the blood from spilling away. In the same instant her left hand went to the first guard's throat, parting the flaps of flesh and entering. Her fingers closed tight around sinew and she pulled. His body ripped from throat to chest before the chord of his insides broke and her attack continued the job of pulling his flesh free down to the buckle of his now dirted belt. Bloodied, and painted in wet fat and muscle, Alyson watched the security guard fall to the floor at her feet.
Hidden from the action unfolding, Daniel watched the carnage in awe.
still not convinced? well, here, have another short excerpt.
Something caught behind Simon's leg and he fell back with a thud against the dirty floor. His arms were there to support him almost immediately, pulling and pushing as he continued crawling backwards, away from the approaching cloaked figure.
The humming was growing louder at the back of his mind, his eyes watering over from the pain of the growing cacophony and blood beginning to trail down from his ears. Death was over him now, standing tall, its hood tilted down, its hidden eyes no doubt locked on Simon's frightened face.
"Why?" Death screamed one final time, bending down toward Simon's frail form.
The din in Simon's mind reached its peak and he felt the world around him shake, and almost as sudden as it had appeared, it was gone. The curtain had been dropped and he was on his kitchen floor, his back against the refrigerator. His eyes were locked on the shattered bottle that had made its way back to the floor before him.
yup, so, i'm (of course) still psyched about the book!! i was going to post the cover tonight but my scanner isn't working
so, maybe tomorrow. aside from the book, nothing really exciting is going on in my world right now, still alone, still working 71 hrs/wk, still waiting for my computer to be fixed so that i can get back on DSL. hopefully soon i'll have something to actually say, something of actual interest
till then, i hope everyone has a good night. goodbye.

"Drop your weapon!" He cried as she stole toward him.
He squeezed out another round, the bullet breaking apart the side of her neck. Muscle and vein fell free, swinging back and forth as she approached. There were two more guards at his side now, all of them with guns raised in ready to take her down.
Her hand moved swiftly at the first guard, the blade tearing at the flesh of his throat, cutting it clean open, then with the same speed pulled out and swung around, the top of the blade ripping open another of the guards throat.
Before the third security gurad could react the blade entered his chest, breaking through his back as he released a dieing scream and let the gun fall free to the floor.
Alyson lifted him a few inches from the floor and threw her arm back, using the weight of his dead body to knock the second guard to the floor. His hand was at his throat now as he tried fruitlessly to stop the blood from spilling away. In the same instant her left hand went to the first guard's throat, parting the flaps of flesh and entering. Her fingers closed tight around sinew and she pulled. His body ripped from throat to chest before the chord of his insides broke and her attack continued the job of pulling his flesh free down to the buckle of his now dirted belt. Bloodied, and painted in wet fat and muscle, Alyson watched the security guard fall to the floor at her feet.
Hidden from the action unfolding, Daniel watched the carnage in awe.
still not convinced? well, here, have another short excerpt.
Something caught behind Simon's leg and he fell back with a thud against the dirty floor. His arms were there to support him almost immediately, pulling and pushing as he continued crawling backwards, away from the approaching cloaked figure.
The humming was growing louder at the back of his mind, his eyes watering over from the pain of the growing cacophony and blood beginning to trail down from his ears. Death was over him now, standing tall, its hood tilted down, its hidden eyes no doubt locked on Simon's frightened face.
"Why?" Death screamed one final time, bending down toward Simon's frail form.
The din in Simon's mind reached its peak and he felt the world around him shake, and almost as sudden as it had appeared, it was gone. The curtain had been dropped and he was on his kitchen floor, his back against the refrigerator. His eyes were locked on the shattered bottle that had made its way back to the floor before him.
yup, so, i'm (of course) still psyched about the book!! i was going to post the cover tonight but my scanner isn't working

So, did the book ship on time/date?
Drop me a line and let me know what's happening on that front.