holy shit, has it really been 3 months since i've entered a new journal?!! fuck. well, okay, here's a little update.
first, the whole comic book thing finally fell through which sucks big ass! um, i met a girl at a gas station, fell in love over a month and a half or so, got my heart broken BIG TIME, now we're "friends." and now i'm working on turning the comic book story into a novel or novella - i have the first 119 pages completed and given to my editor, and she told me this morning it's a huge improvement from the writing in my first book which kinda got me excited of course (though i'm not allowing myself to get too excited like i did with the comic book). there, now you're all up to date.
something just happened that i have to tell you all about. i got out of work about an hour ago and went to the store to get a few things, well, on my way home i was getting hungry so i stopped at Burger King. i ALWAYS go through the drivethrough but tonight i decide to go in. i get inside and there are 3 kids, i'm assuming between 17 & 19 years old standing there waiting. in front of them is this guy who is leaning against the counter where all the registers are. he has his back turned to the people working and is staring at the ceiling, rolling his eyes like he's completely annoyed about something. behind him, there are two workers at the one register so already i know something's going on. i'm not sure what it is or how big of a deal it is, but this guy is upset about something. the two people working look almost like they're afraid, not like of being harmed but maybe of being fired. okay, so, this is the setting. so i wait my turn, i see something's going on so i figure i'll be extra patient tonight. after a minute or two something is said to the guy and he turns to face the two girls. one of the girls now has a binder with a bunch of laminated sheets in it laying in front of her and she is apologizing because she can't find something in the book. i can't hear much of what is said between them but it doesn't seem good. the two girls apologize a few different times but the guy won't accept the apologies for some reason. then, one of the kids waiting says "hey, i thought this was FAST food." in an extremely sarcastic way that just made me want to smack him around a few times. the guy gets his food and leaves, the two girls apologize again, he ignores them. but it doesn't end there. after seeing that these two have already had a hard time tonight, the smart ass kid waiting in line gets to the register and asks for a picture menu. the girl tries to explain they don't have them up front, does he need help with something. the kid demands a picture menu pointing out that is says on their board that picture menus are available. she calmly explains to him that they're generally for people who can't read and he obviously can. again, he demands a picture menu. it's obvious that she's trying not to explode, i'm getting pissed just standing there, trying to decide at which point i'm going to step up and say something (and no i don't mean starting a fight, just my luck the kid would be 17 and i'd go to prison). so the girl tells him that she would be glad to go out back and get him his picture menu if that's what he wanted. finally he ordered his food and the 3 kids walked off, laughing and snickering and just generally being assholes. so now it's my turn so i give her my order and ask for a milk shake with it. we exchange money and she gives me an empty cup. now, i'm debating on whether i should just go to the soda machine with the cup because she's already had a rough time. so i wait for my food hoping during that time she'll realize the mistake herself. no such luck, so i say "i probably forgot to ask but, can i get that as a milk shake rather than soda." and she smiled, apologizing a few times saying she forgot. i told her a few times it was no problem. the second girl came over and said it had been a very messed up evening and they're all very sorry. to which i told them again it was no problem, i'm never in a hurry, whatever. but that's it. nothing major i know but damn i just wanted to smack that kid so bad.
anyway, that's my long-ass journal, enjoy. i'll try to update it a little more often. night all.
first, the whole comic book thing finally fell through which sucks big ass! um, i met a girl at a gas station, fell in love over a month and a half or so, got my heart broken BIG TIME, now we're "friends." and now i'm working on turning the comic book story into a novel or novella - i have the first 119 pages completed and given to my editor, and she told me this morning it's a huge improvement from the writing in my first book which kinda got me excited of course (though i'm not allowing myself to get too excited like i did with the comic book). there, now you're all up to date.
something just happened that i have to tell you all about. i got out of work about an hour ago and went to the store to get a few things, well, on my way home i was getting hungry so i stopped at Burger King. i ALWAYS go through the drivethrough but tonight i decide to go in. i get inside and there are 3 kids, i'm assuming between 17 & 19 years old standing there waiting. in front of them is this guy who is leaning against the counter where all the registers are. he has his back turned to the people working and is staring at the ceiling, rolling his eyes like he's completely annoyed about something. behind him, there are two workers at the one register so already i know something's going on. i'm not sure what it is or how big of a deal it is, but this guy is upset about something. the two people working look almost like they're afraid, not like of being harmed but maybe of being fired. okay, so, this is the setting. so i wait my turn, i see something's going on so i figure i'll be extra patient tonight. after a minute or two something is said to the guy and he turns to face the two girls. one of the girls now has a binder with a bunch of laminated sheets in it laying in front of her and she is apologizing because she can't find something in the book. i can't hear much of what is said between them but it doesn't seem good. the two girls apologize a few different times but the guy won't accept the apologies for some reason. then, one of the kids waiting says "hey, i thought this was FAST food." in an extremely sarcastic way that just made me want to smack him around a few times. the guy gets his food and leaves, the two girls apologize again, he ignores them. but it doesn't end there. after seeing that these two have already had a hard time tonight, the smart ass kid waiting in line gets to the register and asks for a picture menu. the girl tries to explain they don't have them up front, does he need help with something. the kid demands a picture menu pointing out that is says on their board that picture menus are available. she calmly explains to him that they're generally for people who can't read and he obviously can. again, he demands a picture menu. it's obvious that she's trying not to explode, i'm getting pissed just standing there, trying to decide at which point i'm going to step up and say something (and no i don't mean starting a fight, just my luck the kid would be 17 and i'd go to prison). so the girl tells him that she would be glad to go out back and get him his picture menu if that's what he wanted. finally he ordered his food and the 3 kids walked off, laughing and snickering and just generally being assholes. so now it's my turn so i give her my order and ask for a milk shake with it. we exchange money and she gives me an empty cup. now, i'm debating on whether i should just go to the soda machine with the cup because she's already had a rough time. so i wait for my food hoping during that time she'll realize the mistake herself. no such luck, so i say "i probably forgot to ask but, can i get that as a milk shake rather than soda." and she smiled, apologizing a few times saying she forgot. i told her a few times it was no problem. the second girl came over and said it had been a very messed up evening and they're all very sorry. to which i told them again it was no problem, i'm never in a hurry, whatever. but that's it. nothing major i know but damn i just wanted to smack that kid so bad.
anyway, that's my long-ass journal, enjoy. i'll try to update it a little more often. night all.

id love too give you some extensions
hell id even do em for free for a signed copy of your book when its out
but drop me a line on aim sometime im EntWife76 on there

sweet its a deal ill talk to you on aim soon