yup, i'm still here. don't people hitchhike anymore!!? i've been keepin an eye out for 'em but there's no one!! oh well, maybe tomorrow
yeah yeah, i just bought my ticket for APC in Augusta on May 11th!! yeah yeah!!
so i'm an uncle again. as of 10:18 this morning i became an uncle for the 5th time. my brother's son, Benjamin Robert Robbins, 7lbs ?oz, 21 inches long, healthy and cute as can be.
and speaking of family, i hear everyday atleast 2 or 3 people bitch about their parents...i feel very fortunate that my family kicks ass!! my grandmother rules, there used to be a commercial on tv where there were these 2 kids sitting on the front porch looking miserable and all of a sudden this nice red ferarri (sp?) pulls into the driveway and the 2 kids run out to it screaming "Grandma's here! Grandma's here!" the door lifts open and this 80 year old woman steps out and pulls of a mean-lookin helmet...that perfectly describes my grandmother.
she's so full of life. if she hears music, no matter where she is, she'll start dancing. she calls herself a "recycled teenager" and the plates on her car even say "teenagr" it's great because people see the plates and actually assume it's a teen driving, only to find it's actually a 78 year old woman flying by them. yup, so, my family kicks ass.
that's about it i guess, nothing much new aside from the nephew. so, g'night all, i hope all is well in your world.

yeah yeah, i just bought my ticket for APC in Augusta on May 11th!! yeah yeah!!
so i'm an uncle again. as of 10:18 this morning i became an uncle for the 5th time. my brother's son, Benjamin Robert Robbins, 7lbs ?oz, 21 inches long, healthy and cute as can be.
and speaking of family, i hear everyday atleast 2 or 3 people bitch about their parents...i feel very fortunate that my family kicks ass!! my grandmother rules, there used to be a commercial on tv where there were these 2 kids sitting on the front porch looking miserable and all of a sudden this nice red ferarri (sp?) pulls into the driveway and the 2 kids run out to it screaming "Grandma's here! Grandma's here!" the door lifts open and this 80 year old woman steps out and pulls of a mean-lookin helmet...that perfectly describes my grandmother.

that's about it i guess, nothing much new aside from the nephew. so, g'night all, i hope all is well in your world.
Your family sounds really cool. Mine sucks.