okay...so...here's an attempt at giving you all the story with the comic...
...once upon a time, i wrote a comic book. or rather, i wrote a long story that was to be turned into a comic book series. then i lost touch with my artist and the story sat on the shelf getting dusty. then, there came the idea to turn my comic book into a very low budget, feature length movie...which started out smooth as could be. a couple actors were cast and we actually began filming much to my own surprise! then, i couldn't find anymore people who would actually act for me
which is what i had expected right from the start, so the movie fell through in a big way and i was now left with a.) a comic book script, b.) a movie script & and some filmed scenes, and c.) the comic script reworked into just a regular old 100-or-so paged novella.
after months of working my everyday jobs and trying to figure out what to do i took some of the screenshots from the filmed scenes and turned them into comic book pages, and showed it to a few people. they all liked it so i took it to my printer and talked it all over with them and it turned back into a comic that now, rather than drawing, i was going to photograph and touch-up in photoshop. which was great...the problem is...i'm back to the problem i had with the movie...no one wants to be in front of the camera. i can not pay people to let me take just 5 or 6 photos of them!! you'd think i was offering them mouse-droppings to sell me their souls!!! so once again, the story is in limbo
i am determined as hell though to get atleast one issue out, mainly because i've already told everyone it was coming out (it was originaly supposed to be at the printers in the first week of january!!!) i'm going nuts because i work 71 hours a week at my other 2 full time jobs, then i come home and stare at my computer trying to figure out how to make this work. aarrgggghhhh!!!
sorry about the long drawn out history of the story...i just figured i'd let it all out for whoever cares. thanks for listening/reading. umm, i have no great parting words so, the end.
...once upon a time, i wrote a comic book. or rather, i wrote a long story that was to be turned into a comic book series. then i lost touch with my artist and the story sat on the shelf getting dusty. then, there came the idea to turn my comic book into a very low budget, feature length movie...which started out smooth as could be. a couple actors were cast and we actually began filming much to my own surprise! then, i couldn't find anymore people who would actually act for me

sorry about the long drawn out history of the story...i just figured i'd let it all out for whoever cares. thanks for listening/reading. umm, i have no great parting words so, the end.
loves secret domain is there best album ever!!! Its kinda hard to find though its outa print but you can find it on ebay
deff check em out!!

yeah, i'm stupid. but i'm better now.
i like yoU!