more and more i'm having these kick ass days - it kind of scares me, makes me wondering what storm this may be the calm before. but oh well, i guess until the storm arrives i will take all the good days&nights i can get. yesterday i received the proofs for the next book, so, within the next couple of weeks i will be the...
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Happy Birthday!

life is good!! a new quinne set?!
- hell yeah that makes for a good day!
also, NineInchNails is coming to Maine feb28th and i have a ticket!! fuck yeah!! happy deviant
today i finally uploaded some pictures, so check out the pics page
i hope all is well in the rest of the SGuniverse.

today i finally uploaded some pictures, so check out the pics page

i hope all is well in the rest of the SGuniverse.
Life just seems to be one big ball of joy and pain. in the past month i found someone, and of course, lost them. how pitiful a life it is when the relationships you find yourself in - which are very few and very far inbetween - don't even last for more than a month. Oh well, fuck it. That's life right. I suppose i...
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Thank you, concerning both Shadow and the wrsetling situation.
Life is always so up and down, ain't it?
And yeah, shitty, shitty, shitty, good, and then . . . gone, lol. Aint it life crazy?
Life is always so up and down, ain't it?
And yeah, shitty, shitty, shitty, good, and then . . . gone, lol. Aint it life crazy?

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

life is fucking good!! a new Quinne set? - hell yeah!!
and the best news of all...the SG DVD finally arrived in my mailbox this morning!!
hello!! happy deviant!!
aside from that there's nothing too new and exciting in my life, still working at the video store, still writing, still alone...yup, same 'ol same 'ol. i hope all is well in evryone else's world tonight....
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Here's hoping everything in your life is still kosher when you read this.

oh how wonderful life is!!! a lot has happened in the past month and a half (sorry that it's taken me so long to update - yet again).
first - i finally got done at the print shop, which means i now have days to actually do stuff, how weird it is to wake up and not have to rush out the door to get...
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first - i finally got done at the print shop, which means i now have days to actually do stuff, how weird it is to wake up and not have to rush out the door to get...
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[Edited on Jul 31, 2005 4:55PM]

[Edited on Jul 31, 2005 4:55PM]
oh mister i wish my set was heaven...if you really have found it in my set, may i come over and drink vanilla chai tea with you?
holy shit has it really been since january?!! my god how i've missed you all at sg. so, okay, what have i been doing for the past few months? - well, i'll tell ya
okay, in february 2 rather life-altering things happened -
First: there were 2 days that i was sick so did not go to work at the print shop, on the third...
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okay, in february 2 rather life-altering things happened -
First: there were 2 days that i was sick so did not go to work at the print shop, on the third...
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Yeah, I hope my kids never have to have their own "blue van" memories.
Brother, hook me the fuck up. I want to see that shit!
Brother, hook me the fuck up. I want to see that shit!

okay, so, the book finally has an actual set-in-stone release date...Feb 14th...Valentine's Day!!
yeah yeah!! and of course i don't expect that anyone will purchase it just because i'm saying you should, so here's an excerpt to (hopefully) atleast get you interested.
"Drop your weapon!" He cried as she stole toward him.
He squeezed out another round, the bullet breaking apart the side of her...
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"Drop your weapon!" He cried as she stole toward him.
He squeezed out another round, the bullet breaking apart the side of her...
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Thanks man, I hope you have a good one too. It's good to hear from you, you don't get around much anymore.
So, did the book ship on time/date?
Drop me a line and let me know what's happening on that front.
So, did the book ship on time/date?
Drop me a line and let me know what's happening on that front.


well, as you can probably guess, my computer did not get fixed
. so of course, the few times i've been on here i've been doing it from work so i can only be here pretty much until someone enters my office - which means i'm here for maybe 2 minutes
so, while i'm here right now, let me just give you all a little...
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oh man i sooo cant wait for your book!!!! and i hope you get your comp fixed soon ^.~* we havent had a chance to chat enough. and im excited to see the art work

okay, i'm sorry about the very delayed entry, my computer (yet again) needs fixing
i'm posting this from my computer at work - the good news though is that the computer guy SHOULD be fixing it tomorrow night **crossing my fingers!!**
okay, now for the kick-ass news!! heehee!! i've known about this for about a month but i didn't want to say anything until i...
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okay, now for the kick-ass news!! heehee!! i've known about this for about a month but i didn't want to say anything until i...
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What kind of book? I'm out of the loop. Christmas and New Years were awesome, woo! Sake Bombs!
Good luck on the world of published writing
Good luck on the world of published writing
Well, I hope everything went according to your plans.

okay, i have to tell you all about this because i think it's hilarious.
a few months back i met a great girl and it seemed like things were going really good between us, then one night the shit hit the fan (i won't bore you with details) and everything pretty much ended. a few days later i came back to her, shouldered ALL of...
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a few months back i met a great girl and it seemed like things were going really good between us, then one night the shit hit the fan (i won't bore you with details) and everything pretty much ended. a few days later i came back to her, shouldered ALL of...
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joshof13thfloor: that's some funny shit, right there.
Ah man, you're better off not having to deal with that shit anyway. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life trying to deal with an adult who can't even stand the sight of porn? I just don't get some people.
Anywho, take it easy man.
Ah man, you're better off not having to deal with that shit anyway. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life trying to deal with an adult who can't even stand the sight of porn? I just don't get some people.
Anywho, take it easy man.

I'm back!!