Sorry for the lack of updates, but the job search + roller derby has really been keeping me busy. I have some killer bruises and sore muscles from Sunday's practice, as well as one quite interesting injury. As we were bouting, I went to knock down the jammer (Miss Celia Fate) and after I pummeled into her, my face somehow met her skate, which not only gave me a bit of a black eye, but also managed to rip off half of the eyelashes on my left eye!!! I almost cried as I had to get ready to turn in applications yesterday, and went to put my mascara on. It really is quite silly looking.
In other news, if you'd like to see some of this hot and abusive derby action in person, I have about 15 tickets to sell for our bout this Sunday. If you are truly interested, please contact me either here, or by email. The tickets are 7 bucks (a fucking bargain, if you ask me) and the doors open at the Skate Ranch in Raleigh at 5:30 with the bout starting at 6 on the 21st. We will also be having an afterparty at King's. There will be raffle prizes given out and halftime entertainment at the show. I hope to get at least some response, because I'd love to see NCSG representing out there!!!
Here's a pic of the ticket you will receive:
I JUST RECEIVED WORD that a ticket to the bout gets you in FREE to the afterparty at King's. So there will be NO extra charge to come party with us afterwards!!!
In other news, if you'd like to see some of this hot and abusive derby action in person, I have about 15 tickets to sell for our bout this Sunday. If you are truly interested, please contact me either here, or by email. The tickets are 7 bucks (a fucking bargain, if you ask me) and the doors open at the Skate Ranch in Raleigh at 5:30 with the bout starting at 6 on the 21st. We will also be having an afterparty at King's. There will be raffle prizes given out and halftime entertainment at the show. I hope to get at least some response, because I'd love to see NCSG representing out there!!!
Here's a pic of the ticket you will receive:

I JUST RECEIVED WORD that a ticket to the bout gets you in FREE to the afterparty at King's. So there will be NO extra charge to come party with us afterwards!!!
you and I miss you, come see us this weekend?

Hey - missed you guys on the party on Saturday.
We're hosting another one specifically for SGNC this Saturday - so be there or be square.