Wow....Ozzfest was WAY fun!!! We had backstage passes with access to ALL the bands, plus, we were doing our signing at the Jagermeister booth which was where ALL the bands were doing their signings!!! It was great!
We also had free beer courtesy of Miller Lite ( beer is free beer) and got tons of free stuff from all the other sponsors. Thanks again to Molly Hatchett of the L.A. Derby Dolls for getting us out there. Also, thanks going out to Miss CeliaFate for being a badass bitch who knows all those cool enough to be involved in derby.
We also had a special practice Monday night with Miss Hatchett, as well as her coach, Brian "Blade" Gallagher. It was lots of fun, and hanging out with him was a blast.
More CRG info to come soon. As for me, only 16 days, 14:21:10 until MY birthday, and (Inter)National Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

We also had a special practice Monday night with Miss Hatchett, as well as her coach, Brian "Blade" Gallagher. It was lots of fun, and hanging out with him was a blast.
More CRG info to come soon. As for me, only 16 days, 14:21:10 until MY birthday, and (Inter)National Talk Like a Pirate Day!!!

Hey I dont know you, but I just came across your profile as a search engine result for "tribal scarab", and i figured i would come check your profile. You dont by chance have some scarab tat pics, do ya? fiending for ink, need ideas!
wish i would have known you were going to ozzfest, cuz i was there too! we had vip passes, but didnt stay long. left after black label society. what can i say, i had to get home to watch nip/tuck!