Burlesque show?! What burlesque show? Was I there??!!

- eating dinner with some of the lovely
ncsg folks. mmmmm.....vegetarian
- buying the first round of beer.
- taking our jackets to the make-shift
coatcheck. did you ever get your
jacket back _V_?

- playing pool downstairs with
Nicci and fighting back and
forth with _V_ (who i am
trying to place partial blame on for
some of these bruises...more on that

- meeting lots of folks upstairs, including
yoagy, monsterjoe, punishme, elwoodwffw, and even
managed to recruit a new member,
- i do not remember either one of the
bands, although i was standing right up
front for the entire second band.

- telling thedestroyer that i
thought he was gay....sorry about that.

- i tipped Tegan a twenty, but
i did not slip her the tongue. oh well.
- lots and lots of hershey's syrup.
- taking pics in the bathroom with the
- stealing a traffic cone on the way back
to the hotel....and taking it up the room.
- getting in the shower with nicci and
having no conditioner.
- something about me and nicci in an
exercise room....i'm not sure, but i
think that's where the rest of the
bruises came from.

- an overall WONDERFUL time with my
future husband muggan_music.

After all of this, I don't have much memory of what may have occured. Thanks to everyone who came by the hotel and I'm super sorry I don't remember much about who was there. Although, I do have pictures! HELP ME REMEMBER!!

